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Tuesday 20 January 2015


Agent of Silver
By Kayleb Vie Requies

I died… It was quick but I died. All I can't see anything. I can't even move more than a few centimetres. It’s so boring. Maybe I should have paid more attention at church, it’s more preferable than this limbo; but each sermon is so boring! I can't take this anymore! I feel claustrophobic. My arms are so weak it’s just saddening to think about. I have to use my head to get out of here; literally. Forcing myself against my restraint the pain in my head is torturous as it connects. Spider-webs of light appear burning my eyes but I couldn't care less as actual light hits my face for the first time in what feels like years of imprisonment. I lose myself to the ecstasy of my approaching freedom as I built myself up for the second attempt. Just before I hit my head hit I had an ominous thought; If I really am dead why do I feel pain, then light engulfed me. I try to scream but heard a small yelp, it was a sound that a newborn pup would make cute. My eyes adjust to the light. I see a face above me giving me the feeling of being small in comparison, although he only looks to be about thirteen years old. He grabs me in one arm which is insane because I weigh seventy-five kilograms at least I did before I died. The boy starts removing what looks like a piece of broken shell from the black fur that surrounds me, I guess I must be wearing a coat.
“He looks adorable, what’s his name big brother” a girl’s voice from behind him asks in awe.
“I haven't seen this animal before; I wonder where that traveller I got him from found him.” The boy with me in his arm replies.
His stare worries me but the girl walks in front of me with puffed cheeks. She looks about eight years old and her face was akin to a tomato only redder, the atmosphere worries me and I try to squirm away but I am being held firmly in place by his other hand. “Brother you're supposed to name him, now give him a name.” she says to her brother in a strict listen to me or I scream kind of voice.
He sighs. “Alright give me a moment to think.” He says in an overly apologetic tone.
I tilt towards the boy’s face getting used to moving my body which feels really strange.
“My name is Arden,” I say growing more confident in my high pitched voice.
            The boys eyes were widening, I swear the prick almost dropped me, it looks like a long fall to the ground and I don't feel like wanting a similar pain, like when I used my head. The girl took a few steps back and almost ran into a chair behind her. I wonder what was so shocking to get a reaction like that.
            “He spoke” his arms are trembling, the vibrations making me feel sick.
            “Please stop shaking I’m starting to feel sick” my voice still feels really weird.
            The shaking limbs go still.
            “Sorry, um you said your name was Arden right, ah, how are you talking?” he asks.
His voice is stuttering, which really annoys me but I stay calm and try to sound as normal as possible.
            “What’s so strange about it?”
            “Well it’s the first time I've seen an animal speak.” His voice is overly enthusiastic.
            I think Ill distract him with questions then try and make my escape, but why does he keep calling me an animal it kind of hurts.
            “Um, what’s an animal?” I ask.
            “It’s what you are.” He answers surprise displaying on his face.
            “What am I?” I turn my head to the side.
            The boy looks at me, then it seems like he realised something. “Of course you don’t know you were just born after all; I don't know exactly what you are but you look like a cross between a fox and a wolf”
            “What are those?” I say trying to keep my annoyance out of my speech.
            He looks around while still holding onto me and grabs a small mirror on the table and puts me in front of it. I see a small fox with completely black fur coating. Its eyes were silver and held resemblance of intelligence. It was a fierce looking creature but young and could be called cute in the right light.
            “Who is that,” I say unable to hide the surprise that I feel.
            “That is you,” the boy tells me in reply
            “No; no I’m the same as you how can I be that!” I say almost screaming
I know it’s denial but I don't care I am human and this is a nightmare! I lift my head and the creature in the mirror does the same, I lift my right hand and it lifts its left paw in perfect unison. I am not this I am human; human! I feel a weird sensation all over my body. As my confusion grows in intensity so does the feeling of energy coursing throughout my body. I realize I'm gasping for air and its getting hard to breathe. Light erupts in all directions  with me at the center for a few seconds as I scream as loud as I can. Then the light disappears as quickly as it appeared. I turn to the mirror and there's a five year old boy kneeling on the table his skin stark white matching his hair, his eyes as black as coal. I think he is me; I guess it's at least better than being a wolf. I look around the room in time to see the girl run out of the door screaming papa, while the boy just stood frozen staring at me.
“What are you?” he says while trembling slightly.
“The same as you,” I say indignantly.
“You are not the same as me,” he says fearfully.
“I am!
My thoughts are a mess, I can't understand it at all and they think I'm a monster. I feel warm tears hitting my arm as I feel lost, and helpless in this new world. I just want to go home. I can here my own sobs as I rub my nose with my arm. I probably look like a mess. The door is flung open as a man bursts through
“Son what’s going on? Who is this!?”
I just keep crying.

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